ISTQB-Mobile Application Testing – CT-MAT

Navigating Mobile Excellence, Testing Beyond Boundaries

“Excel in Mobile Application Testing with ISTQB Certification”


Unleash the Power

Business Outcomes:

Upon passing the Foundation Level “Certified Mobile Application Testing” exam, Certified Mobile Application Testers will achieve the following Business Objectives:

Why this course?

Understand and assess business and technology drivers for mobile apps to formulate an effective test strategy.


Identify and comprehend key challenges, risks, and expectations associated with testing mobile applications.


Apply test types and levels specific to mobile applications, aligning with ISTQB® Certified Tester Foundation Level syllabus 2018.


Execute activities tailored for mobile application testing within the broader framework of the ISTQB® test process.

Testing the Future

Learning Objectives:

Certified Mobile Application Testers, having passed the Foundation Level “Certified Mobile Application Testing” exam, will demonstrate proficiency in the following areas:

Stay Ahead in the Mobile Testing Race 

Understanding and evaluating business and technology drivers for mobile apps to create a robust test strategy.


Identifying and comprehending key challenges, risks, and expectations associated with testing a mobile application.


Applying common test types, considering the mobile-specific context from ISTQB® Certified Tester Foundation Level syllabus 2018.


Understanding methods and tools tailored for supporting mobile application test automation.

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